Month: December 2017

Just imagine – if adults were treated like some of our children…

Just imagine – if adults were treated like some of our children…

I’m struggling at the moment at work.  Lots of stresses, both physical and mental have been building up over time. I have never been a bounce out of bed person but I’m finding it harder and harder to get up in the morning and leave the house to go to work.  I noticed it started … Continue reading Just imagine – if adults were treated like some of our children…

Is there too much gate-keeping for autism assessments?

Is there too much gate-keeping for autism assessments?

I have heard, one time too many, that a child won't be referred by a GP for an autism assessment unless school staff 'agree' or 'have concerns'.  Teams that do this and professionals that partake are not, it seems, following their own professional, evidence-based guidance. A diagnosis of autism is carried out by a multidisciplinary … Continue reading Is there too much gate-keeping for autism assessments?